Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Blogging Again & 30 Days Of Thanks

I have decided to try to blog (again)...I have to admit the first time I tried to blog I wasn't very good at posting but hopefully I'll be better about it this time.

This month I will be posting every day about something that I am thankful for (I'll be posting Day 1 & Day 2 today)...
30 Days of Thanks-Day 1
Today I am thankful for...having a brand new car after 56 day of not having my own even though I was forced to buy one since someone decided to steal the one I had)

30 Days of Thanks-Day 2
Today I am thankful parents who are the best grandparents to my little munchkin...They take him to school and pick him up everyday and they always attend his school events when I'm not able to (even when I am able to they still attend) to day when he was honored as Student of the Month...I'm thankful that he always has someone cheering him on even when I can't be there...